What is Ad Tech, its different aspects, and how it works

The digital advertising industry has experienced an immense transformation over the last few years, with traditional forms of advertising such as TV, radio, and print becoming less effective and expensive. In contrast, digital advertising has seen a surge in popularity, and Ad Tech has emerged as a crucial component of digital advertising.

Ad Tech denotes the use of software and tools to plan, buy, and manage digital advertising campaigns. Through its vast and complex ecosystem made up of a range of technologies and platforms, Ad Tech assists businesses in achieving their marketing goals efficiently and effectively.

How does Ad Tech work?

Ad Tech is constantly evolving, with new technologies and platforms emerging all the time. For instance, programmatic advertising is a relatively new technology that allows for buying and selling of ad inventory in real time using automated bidding. This technology is powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) which enables advertisers to target their desired audience more accurately and optimize their campaigns for maximum performance.

But how does the Ad Tech ecosystem work? Let’s dive into it.

The primary goal of Ad Tech is to make digital advertising more efficient, effective, and targeted, which could drive sales and revenue for businesses. Here are some examples of how Ad Tech works.

  • Bidding: Several advertising platforms offer features that streamline the bidding process for advertisers. For example, they can set a desired bidding amount and a maximum budget, and then let the software manage the rest. This helps to ensure that advertisers stay within budget and get the best results for their ad campaigns.
  • Audience targeting and retargeting: Ad Tech not only enables audience targeting, but it also ensures that the ads reach the right audience – those who are most likely to be interested in the products. This ensures that companies are able to maximize the effectiveness of their ads, and have a higher likelihood of converting potential customers into actual customers.
  • Purchasing ad space: Ad Tech can purchase ad space across a variety of platforms including websites, over-the-top (OTT), apps, and more. This provides a comprehensive range of advertising opportunities to reach your target audience.
  • Measuring results: Ad Tech not only helps with tracking the results of an ad campaign, but also provides insights into user behavior. It measures and analyzes the number of users who saw the ad, how many clicked on it, and even how many made a purchase after viewing the ad. This provides valuable data that can be used to optimize ad campaigns and maximize return on investment.

Ad Tech tools and technologies

Furthermore, the Ad Tech ecosystem includes several different players, such as advertisers, publishers, ad networks, demand-side platforms (DSPs), supply-side platforms (SSPs), and ad exchanges. Advertisers leverage Ad Tech to plan and execute their digital advertising campaigns, while publishers use it to manage their inventory and monetize their content. Ad networks act as intermediaries between advertisers and publishers, while DSPs and SSPs enable the buying and selling of ad inventory in real time. Finally, ad exchanges provide a platform for advertisers and publishers to connect and trade ad inventory.

To gain a better understanding, let’s break down the specifics of these Ad Tech tools and technologies.

  • Ad networks: Ad Networks are platforms for advertisers to connect with publishers and purchase digital ad campaigns. They provide a variety of ad formats, targeting options, and reporting tools to make it easy for advertisers to manage their digital ad campaigns.
  • Ad servers: Ad servers provide advertisers with the capability to manage and track their ad campaigns, as well as give publishers the reporting tools to manage their inventory and measure ad performance. By utilizing these servers, ads can be efficiently delivered to websites and mobile apps.
  • Ad exchanges: Ad exchanges are powerful marketplaces that enable advertisers to bid on real-time ad inventory and for publishers to sell their ad space to the highest bidder. Using data and sophisticated algorithms, ad exchanges help match advertisers with the most relevant ad inventory available.
  • Demand-side platforms (DSPs): DSPs enable advertisers to purchase ad inventory from multiple ad exchanges and networks in real time. Combining data and algorithms, DSPs are able to precisely target ads to the right audiences to optimize ad performance. Utilizing advanced targeting options, real-time bidding (RTB), and optimization tools, DSPs help ensure that advertisers get the most out of their ad campaigns.
    • Leading DSPs include Google, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM, Adobe, Oracle, AppNexus, MediaMath, TheTradeDesk, and Conversant.
  • Supply-side platforms (SSPs): SSPs are used by publishers to manage and maximize their ad inventory and revenue. SSPs provide inventory management tools, yield optimization, and real-time bidding capabilities that allow publishers to sell their ad inventory to advertisers through ad exchanges and networks. With SSPs, publishers can ensure they are maximizing the revenue from their ad inventory.
    • Leading SSPs include Google Ad Manager, AppNexus, PubMatic, OpenX, Rubicon Project, Index Exchange, Sonobi, District M, Sovrn, and Amobee.
  • Data management platforms (DMPs): DMPs are an invaluable tool for collecting, analyzing, and segmenting data from a variety of sources such as cookies, mobile devices, and social media platforms. This helps to refine targeting efforts and optimize ad performance. Through DMP-generated audience segments, advertisers can better target their campaigns and maximize their results.
  • Attribution and measurement tools: Attribution and measurement tools allow advertisers to track the performance of their advertising campaigns, enabling them to measure the impact of their campaigns on business goals and make data-driven decisions for optimization.

Different ad formats in Ad Tech

In addition to the technologies and players already mentioned, Ad Tech also includes a variety of ad formats, such as display ads, video ads, native ads, and more.

  • Display ads: Display ads are visual ads that appear on websites and apps. They can be in the form of banners, pop-ups, interstitials, and other formats.
  • Video ads: Video ads are ads that appear in video content on websites and apps. These can include pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads and can be either skippable or non-skippable.
  • Native ads: Native ads are ads designed to blend in with the content on the website or app they appear on, taking the form of sponsored content, in-feed ads, or other formats. They create a seamless user experience, allowing for effective and unobtrusive advertising.

Ad Tech targeting options

Ad Tech also involves various targeting options to improve ad performance, including demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, contextual targeting, and more.

  • Demographic targeting: Demographic targeting allows advertisers to target users based on their age, gender, income, education, and other demographic factors.
  • Behavioral targeting: Behavioral targeting allows advertisers to target users based on their browsing behavior, such as the websites they visit, the pages they view, and the actions they take.
  • Contextual targeting: Contextual targeting enables advertisers to deliver targeted ads to users based on the content of the website or app where the ad appears. For instance, a fitness product advertisement could be served to users who are viewing articles about health and wellness.


Ad Tech has revolutionized the digital advertising landscape, creating a win-win situation for both publishers and advertisers. By utilizing data to more precisely target and reach the intended audience, and to monetize content more effectively, Ad Tech has become an invaluable tool. Advertisers are able to identify their target audience, understand their behavior, and customize their ad campaigns for maximum success, while publishers can use d­­ata to analyze their audience and optimize their content for maximum engagement, creating new revenue streams and business opportunities.