What do website owners need most: more traffic to their site or more money?

Your prebid account can help you make some easy changes that will optimize your ad pages and give you a better chance of bidding on high-value impressions at a lower cost than ever before.

Let us help you create a plan to get started.

Peculiarities of Prebid

Prebid is a rather unique and innovative approach to online advertising that allows website owners to increase their revenue significantly.

In short, Prebid is an overridden script that inserts itself into the existing code of a website. This allows for the display of more ads without having to make any changes to the website’s code.

Prebid essentially inserts a new “ad slot” into websites where none existed before, and then manages the sale of that ad inventory in real time through an auction.

This auction allows for increased competition among advertisers and ultimately results in higher CPMs (cost-per-thousand impressions) for the website owner.

There are few if any other companies offering this kind of technology or service. This makes Prebid an ideal solution for website owners looking to increase their advertising revenue.

Strategies to Increase Revenue with Prebid

Prebid is an innovative advertising technology that allows website owners to increase their revenue by up to 30% without having to make any changes to their website.

Prebid works by allowing website owners to set a minimum price for their ad inventory and then auction off that inventory to the highest bidder in real time.

This means that website owners can maximize their ad revenue by getting the highest possible price for their ad space.

There are a few key strategies that website owners can use to increase their revenue with Prebid:

1. Set a high minimum price for your ad inventory. If you set a low minimum price, you may not get any bids at all. But if you establish a high minimum price, you’ll ensure that you always get paid top dollar for your ad space.

2. Make sure your website has high traffic volumes. The more traffic your website has, the more valuable your ad space will be to potential advertisers.

3. Use Prebid’s “second-price” auction format. This format allows you to keep 100% of the proceeds from any bids that are below your minimum price, while only paying 70% of the proceeds from any bids that are above your minimum price. This ensures that you always come out ahead financially no matter how high the final bid ends up being.

Implementing Prebid

To implement Prebid on your website, you will need to add a few lines of code to your existing ad tags.

Once Prebid is implemented, you will then be required to set up each demand source (ad network or exchange) within the Prebid interface.

These demand sources will each have their own set of parameters that need to be configured for them to participate in the header bidding auction.

Once everything is set up and running, you can then begin monitoring your results via the various reporting tools available within Prebid.

These reports will give you insights into which demand sources are performing well and which ones might need some optimization.

1. Incorporate more ad units – Prebid allows for more ad units to be displayed on a page than traditional methods, so website owners can increase their potential revenue by adding additional ad units.

2. Target high-value advertisers – By targeting ads to high-value advertisers, website owners can maximize their revenue potential with Prebid.

3. Increase ad unit sizes – Larger ad units tend to generate more revenue, so website owners can increase their earnings potential by increasing the size of the ad units they display.

4. Use multiple demand sources – Prebid allows website owners to tap into multiple demand sources, so they can choose the one that offers the highest CPMs and fill rates. This can lead to a significant increase in overall revenue.

5. Test different configurations – With Prebid, website owners can test different configurations and find the one that performs best for their specific site and audience. This helps ensure maximum revenue potential.

What’s Next?

Prebid is a very effective way for website owners to increase their revenue, but there are a few things to keep in mind when using this technology.

First, it is critical to set a realistic reserve price for your ad space. If you set your reserve too high, you may not get any bids at all.

Second, be sure to vet your bidders carefully. You don’t want to allow just anyone to place an ad on your site – only work with reputable companies that you trust.

Finally, keep in mind that Prebid is still a new technology, and it may take some time for it to gain traction with advertisers. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results – give it some time and you’re sure to see an increase in revenue from Prebid!


Prebid provides website owners with several options to increase revenue through advertising. If you are not already using Prebid, we encourage you to explore the ways that it can benefit your website and business. With the right approach, Prebid can provide a significant boost to your bottom line.